
This will be a work in progress.  I’ll be cooking it down and need to learn to edit.  I’d love to annotate.  Beginning with topics and adding more as I go.  It won’t be alphabetical.  For now I’ll keep it short.

Family and Friends:

Irma: Our semi-saintly mother.  She grew up on a cattle ranch.
Corder: Also know as Denver or Doc.  Our complicated bio-dad.
Sheryll: My big cat sister.
Garon: Our wizardly brother.
George: The step-dad who tamed me.  At the time, not appreciated.
Chyako: My artistic and beautiful wife.
Mark: My bosom buddy and closest friend.

Fact and Fiction:

Christina: Irma’s mother and mentor.  I use her as a character in stories.
James: Irma’s father and a substitute for George in stories.
December or Em: A surrogate for Chyako, Irma and my anima in stories.
Dow and Anand: Alters for myself in stories.
Dahl: A composite character borrowed heavily from Lee.
Lee: My old man mentor teacher.  Real and unreal.
John Milton: Em’s twin brother and named for my positive shadow.
Two Buttes:  Where Irma grew up and I turned into a place for fantasy.
The North Ranch: Named after a matriarch in the family, Mother North.

Ideas that Guide:

Sansaku: A Japanese word that describes how a poet-philosopher walks.
Best Slowly: A poem and the way I follow.
Isogaba Maware:  When you’re in a hurry, take the long way